Zionist minister Benny Gantz resignation reveals failures in Gaza


[Picture: Asharq Al-Awsat]

The resignation of the Israeli occupation minister Benny Gantz from Netanyahu’s war cabinet is clear evidence of the failure to achieve any semblance of victory in Gaza.

The Popular Resistance Committees says Gantz escape from the Israeli regime is the beginning of the disintegration of this oppressive entity and a confirmation that Al-Aqsa Flood has toppled the Zionist hopes and thwarted all their plots which took decades to build.

In his resignation announcement Gantz said that the Zionist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was making total victory impossible and called for early elections. His ally Gadi Eisenkot also resigned, giving up his observer spot in the war cabinet.

These moves weaken the Netanyahu regime as the opposition pulls out. It also exposes the deepening cracks within a fragile Zionist Israel since October 7th.


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