Two 17-year-old boys convicted of murder in Khayelitsha


[Pictures: supplied by the Hawks]

Two 17-year-old boys have been convicted for the murder of an off-duty police officer in Khayelitsha. Three other suspects were convicted on charges of assault with grievously bodily harm.

According to the Hawks Constable Mzuvukile Emanuel Hlahleni was killed in June 2020 following a heated argument with his partner near her house.

It’s reported that the officer was allegedly stoned to death by his partner’s family and some members of the community who are close to the family. The teens, Lisakhanya Tabalaza and Mayihlome Moshani were sentenced to 10 and seven years in prisoner respectively.

Lisakhanya’s mother and partner of the officer, Nonjongo Tabalaza was sentenced to six months for assault with grievous bodily harm.


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