Study: Young voters have appetite and potential for change


It is fundamentally important for South Africans to be taught about their responsibility to engage with politics and government.

This engagement must be informed by what is in the public’s rights and the obligations of the government and State.

The Socio-Economic Research Institute Research Chair in Local Histories, Professor Noor Nieftagodien says that even the most basic of political education – which is understanding how to vote – is not being taught.

He says that the voter must be informed about all the issues affecting them, and not just the intrigue derived from politicking.

Researchers who conducted studies in the lead-up to the local government elections found that voters either don’t know who to vote for or would vote for the same party even if it failed to provide basic services, simply because they don’t know any better.
Better education can narrow this gap.
Guest: Professor Noor Nieftagodien – Socio-Economic Research Institute (SERI’s) Research Chair in Local Histories


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