Power misery drags on for SA despite load shedding downgrade


(Picture: Unsplash)

A whole day of Stage 6 load shedding has seemingly been avoided. It will now only come in at four this afternoon until ten tonight.

However, Eskom says the country will be on Stage 4 until then.

The change has been due to Eskom managing to replenish its emergency reserves overnight.

For a week South Africa has been saddled with high levels of power cuts which has caused much frustration among citizens and further cost the economy.

Eskom has blamed the precarious situation on workers who embarked on an unprotected strike over wages. Unions have pleaded for them to return to their posts but according to the power utility there is still absenteeism and disruptions at some power plants.

A new wage offer is expected to tabled today at the Central Bargaining Forum. Unions will then take this to their members to discuss.


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