On The Couch – Crisis of Faith


In this episode we try and answer a question that has presented itself due to the Covid-19 pandemic – how easy is it to maintain this sense of spiritual connection when the way you worship changes?
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought many challenges, causing people to rethink the way we live, interact and conduct our rituals.

Does our faith remain under lockdown?
Joining Zainab On The Couch is Hafith Mahmoud Hatib who will discuss the need to speak about the challenges the Muslim community has faced during the national lockdown. “…And the fundamentals of the Deen are very simple. That we worship the Creator and not the creation. And we speak the truth and we don’t speak lies.”

Tune in everyday at 17:00, On The Couch with Zainab Bean where we discuss the topics we would like to ignore.

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