Nigeria’s Dangote Refinery – a step forward for Africa


Picture: Dangote Group / Twitter

Nigeria has become an example of an African nation finally using its mineral wealth to benefit its people.

This as the country has commissioned the Dangote Refinery amid hopes of transforming Nigeria into a net exporter of petroleum products.

But analysts have warned that securing crude supplies could delay achieving full production this year.

This concern was echoed by the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation’s Dr Webster Zambara.

He contends that corruption could sully the entire enterprise for Africans to control and benefit from their natural resources.

But if they keep things above board, Nigeria could become a beacon of African independence.

Dr Zambara was speaking May 25th marks Africa Day, and is meant to highlight how this continent has overcome the influence of their colonisers.

But this is not the case for some African nations.


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