NHI coming irrespective of rich people’s opposition


Weather people like it or not there will be equality in the healthcare system. That’s the message of President Cyril Ramaphosa as he prepares to sign into law the National Health Insurance (NHI) bill.  

He told a gathering at the ANC Progressive Business Forum luncheon in Centurion, Gauteng that equality is needed in healthcare as it is one of the most important areas in the life of anyone including the poor. 

“Now, the opposition on NHI is coming from well to do and rich people. It’s coming from those who have the ability. And this is what often happens.

The haves don’t want the have nots to benefit from what they have been having. And we are saying, through NHI, all our people must have equality.

There must be equality of healthcare in our country. And I know it drives fear into the hearts of many. Just like for all our people getting a vote, drove the biggest fear in the hearts of white people in this country.

They were terrified. They were so afraid because they thought when everybody gets a vote, it means that the privileges that we have always had are now going to disappear.”

 The NHI which has been in the making for the past 13 years, aims to introduce universal healthcare coverage. According to government they will buy healthcare services for South Africans from healthcare providers both in the public and private sector.  The bill is scheduled to be signed into law on Wednesday afternoon at the Union Buildings in Pretoria.  

It’s unclear when the NHI will be rolled out as some critics of the scheme including the DA have indicated that they will go to the courts to challenge the constitutionality of this piece of legislation. There are also concerns about how the NHI will be funded. Treasury is expected to determine the sources of funding which will then be approved by Cabinet. 


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