More women come forward alleging abuse by elderly brothers


More women have come forward speaking out against the two elderly Bo-kaap brothers, saying they were also sexually abused by them decades ago.

The three women whose identities are known, say they were prompted to speak out after reading a lawyer’s letter sent to various media houses from one of the brothers denying all allegations made against his client.

This follows a YouTube Video which was released last week by a young family member of the brothers, detailing her abuse. All three women were under the age of 13 when they were allegedly sexually abused by the brothers. One of the victims said that the reason they chose to speak out is because the abuse is ongoing and that they hide behind their power making it difficult for others to believe victims.

One of the brothers’ lawyer says his client wishes to place it on record that he has been a lifelong advocate for the rights of women and children, and strongly and unreservedly condemns gender-based violence and sexual abuse in any form.

If you are a victim of sexual abuse and require any form of assistance, please contact Rape Crisis on 021 633 9229 or the Saartjie Bartman Centre for Women and Children on  021 633 5287. Radio 786: Taking a stand against gender-based violence.


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