Korean Potato Salad


Recipe Credit Naslie Khan @Asian Delights

This is a creamy, mayonnaise-based potato salad that is more mashed than the usual boiled salad we make in South Africa.

It’s soft and crunchy in texture and is best served chilled on a hot summer’s day.

While there are many variations of Korean potato salad, the classic version, also referred to as old-style gamja salad, which is made with mashed boiled potatoes, hard boiled eggs, crunchy vegetables such as cucumber and carrot, and sometimes fresh and/or dried fruits such as apple and raisins.

Servings: 6


  • 3-4 medium to large potatoes, Russet or any potato
  • 3 boiled eggs shelled
  • ¼ cup cucumber (Cut 1 cucumber in half, washed, seeded)
  • ¼ cup carrot
  • ½ cup mayonnaise of your choice (I used Nola and Kewpie mixed) – use more to taste
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp. pepper – use more to taste
  • 1 tsp. sugar – optional
  • 1 – 2 Tbsp. rice vinegar or apple cider
  • 2 Tbsp. finely chopped spring onion


  • Peel and cut the potatoes into similar size chunks (2 cm wide).
  • Rinse well before placing the potatoes in a medium size pot, and cover with ½ cup cold water and a pinch of salt.
  • Bring it to a boil over medium high heat for 15 mins. Reduce the heat to medium, cover and continue to boil for 5-8 mins until easily pierced with a fork or a chopstick.
  • Place the eggs in a small sauce pot with cold water covering the eggs. Bring it to a boil. (6-7 mins should give you a nice hard boiled yet creamy egg)
  • Remove the eggs and place them in cold water for about 10 minutes before peeling.
  • Drain and mash the potatoes in a mixing bowl with a fork until smooth.
  • Leave some small chunks if you like.
  • Add 2 cooked egg yolks and the egg whites. Keep mashing until well mixed.
  • Set it aside.
  • Cut the cucumber in half lengthwise and thinly slice. Lightly sprinkle with salt. Set it aside while preparing the other ingredients, and then tightly squeeze to remove moisture.
  • Cut the carrot in half lengthwise and thinly slice. No salt is necessary as the carrot doesn’t contain as much moisture as the cucumber.
  • Add the cucumber, carrot, mayonnaise (start with 5 tablespoons), salt (start with 1 teaspoon), add sugar, and vinegar to the bowl with the mashed potatoes.
  • Mix everything well.
  • Taste and add more mayonnaise, salt, and/or sugar to taste.
  • Optional egg yolk garnish
  • Press the reserved egg yolk through a strainer over the top of the salad or into a bowl if using later.
  • Sprinkle with spring onion or sesame seeds.

[Picture: Supplied]



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