Jelebi (Indian sweetmeat)



1 cup flour
4 tbsp corn flour
1/4 tsp bicarbonate of soda
4 tbsp yoghurt
140 ml water
Orange food colouring
Oil for frying


SYRUP (prepare ahead as the jelebis should be syrupped immediately after frying)

1 cup sugar
1/2 cup water
2 cardamom pods

Combine sugar, cardamom pods and water in a pot and heat up on the stove until it’s boiling (stirring continuously). Once it has boiled, turn off the heat and the syrup will thicken as it cools.



Combine flour, corn flour , bicarb, yogurt, water and food colouring together in a bowl until smooth. The consistency should be of a thick batter.

Heat oil in a deep pan on medium heat.

Pour jelebi batter into a piping bag and cut a small tip off the bag to make a hole (alternatively, use a clean tomato sauce bottle with its nozzle to drizzle the mixture).

Once the oil is hot, squeeze the batter in a circular motion into the oil to form jelebis(about 7cm big). Turn jelebis until they are fully fried and crispy on both sides. Remove from the oil and place directly into the syrup. Soak on both sides, then place on a rack with a drip tray under to cool down.


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