How to Build South Africa’s Manufacturing Base?


There has been a call for South Africa’s trade agreements with other countries to be scrutinised and reviewed. The Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu) says these deals must be in favour of the country. It points to the poultry debacle – where American chicken flooded the market to the detriment of local producers. They simply couldn’t keep up with the cheap prices. It has also raised questions about South Africa’s overreliance on importing products instead of looking within to manufacture. A mechanism that could help in tackling joblessness. During the Covid-19 pandemic, it was proven that South Africans have the capabilities to design, and manufacture.

Is South Africa using the right tools when it negotiates trade deals?… And what will it take the country to realise its manufacturing capabilities?

Guest: Professor Rasigan Maharajh – chief director of the Institute for Economic Research and Innovation at Tshwane University of Technology (TUT)

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