Confusion over increasing Covid-19 cases


There seems to be some confusion over the increasing rate of Covid-19 cases in the Western Cape. According to Health Minister Zweli Mkhize, the province had a 42 percent increase in cases, but according to Premier Alan Winde, that number is less than 20 percent.

Co-director for the Covid-19 Ministerial Advisory Council Professor Abdool Karim says both of them are technically correct because they’re looking at it quite differently and the results of the calculations are dependent on different factors. Karim says over a seven-day rolling average, the Western Cape saw an increase of just more than 13.6 percent. Karim adds that the Free State, Western Cape, and Northern Cape are the main provinces contributing largely to the national Covid-19 cases.

Credit: Rajesh Jantilal / AFP

South Africa’s Covid-19 total has reached 710 515. This is a 2150 increase in cases in the last 24 hours. More than 100 additional Covid-19 related deaths were also recorded.  


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