Gaddafi was not on “good terms” with Arafat over Oslo



Libya’s leader Muammar Gaddafi was upset about the Oslo Accords as it had no intention of paving the way for the liberation of Palestine.

The two agreements signed in the 1990s between Apartheid Israel and Yasser Arafat’s Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) were supposed to mark the start of a so-called peace process. More than seven decades later, Palestinians are still resisting Israeli occupation.

Gaddafi’s confidante Daad Sharab recalls the questions the colonel had for Arafat.

What do you mean peace talks? Does it mean you have Palestine back? You have nothing. He wasn’t on good terms when Arafat signed the peace talks because he said you take all your land or there is no peace.

Sharab revealed that there was an attempt by the Israeli occupation regime to recruit Gaddafi to act as an intermediatory, especially with the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas. The Israelis apparently wanted so called peace.

Sharab met with the Zionist President Shimon Peres in Tel Aviv and he indicated their readiness to meet Gaddafi in Libya, even using a plane with the US flag or to meet in a third country. Gaddafi was against the Israelis coming to the North African country. He proposed a confidential meeting in Jordan near the border with occupied Palestine, but he had a condition.

If King Abdullah can guarantee that this Israeli government…if they do not deliver what they promise me, he will break the peace with Israel.

Sharab says the Jordanian King rejected the condition and Gaddafi cancelled the meeting.


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